Joanne's Blog
Welcome to Joanne’s Blog. What a great way to keep in touch with you and let you know what great things I have been photographing including things like Kadooment and pantomimes.
I believe that as people we should always be growing and always learning and with that in mind I intend to share some of the things that I learn with you in the form of photo tips or whatever. If you learn stuff that you want to share pass it on.
Pictures are a great way of preserving memories and keeping the family together and my first tip to you is – always have your camera ready, batteries charged and card with lots of space. More pictures are lost because – you left your camera at home or your batteries are dead– than any other reason.
I believe that as people we should always be growing and always learning and with that in mind I intend to share some of the things that I learn with you in the form of photo tips or whatever. If you learn stuff that you want to share pass it on.
Pictures are a great way of preserving memories and keeping the family together and my first tip to you is – always have your camera ready, batteries charged and card with lots of space. More pictures are lost because – you left your camera at home or your batteries are dead– than any other reason.
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Polo in Barbados
Last Sunday at polo I was standing in front of the stands taking pictures and I started talking to the people next to me. Charmaine said, “isn’t this perfect”. She was right, the breeze that blew across the field was the perfect temperature as the sun was starting to go down. Some people were watching the game and cheering on the players and other were chatting and laughing and had no idea what was happing on the polo field.
Here are some pictures.
Polo in Barbados had a slow start this year because of the rain. As soon as we had a good day, everyone came out. The Australians came all the way from down under and only got to play one game. We also had visiting teams from Canada and the USA.
With many more teams to come, we are going to have a great polo season.
Enjoy the pictures below and visit www.barbadosphotos.com
to see and order more pictures.